Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Its the little things...

The little things make a big difference if you know what they are.

I like to have water and mints around my little office area for my clients. I fill a little ceramic bowl (its really square shaped) with life savers wintergreen mints...sometimes jawbreakers or tropical life savers. Unfortunately, my family thinks its for them and will eat their fill, if I let them. So, I fill the small bowl with small amount and if they finish it off I won't fill it again until I have a client. One of my teen aged daughters decided to take it upon herself to reach in my cabinet and help herself to some of that candy. I said, "Hey, that's not for you!" She replied, "Come on Dad, I need some candy, man." (yes Jokingly, she says "man") When one of my younger daughters overheard the conversation she went to get her candy dispenser...one of those plastic thingys you grab the side of and flip over and the candy drops into a dish...cool...well your supposed to fill the thing with m&m's but its better to offer individually wrapped candy...ya know. To cut to the chase...it was the gesture...that little thing to make my presentation better, thats cool.

We know that won't stop this house from eating up my candy, but its a cool way to put it out on the desk...ahem, well, there ain't nuthin' in it right now :::glance over shoulder to look for candy munchers:::

That little thing that my daughter did for me made my day...gotta have a support system.
nuff said, I'll holla later...


Anonymous said...

Ha! Poor you.