Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Get Busy...

Okay, here we go...my second entry into my blog. Get busy...well that's short for a line from Shawshank Redemption: "Get busy living or get busy dying." I've been doing both for so long that choosing one or the other made me disoriented. Art is not the whole of my life but it is one major factor in staying busy, and art is so full of life to me. Creating art and enjoying the art of others is such a joyous experience for me...incredible.

If you could just humor me for this moment in soundbite or is this readerbite :::shrug::: you get it...I'd like to make another movie reference...My life has been like a low budget version of Forrest Gump, with a few changes metaphorically. The character of Bubba has been many individuals I have met over the years that have shared with me detailed dreams and ambitions...some who have lost their lives in this war on poverty. As it is with the movie I have crossed the paths of many very influential individuals, I having traveled some odd course through life. All these experiences have been encouraging, empowering and enlightening...three words inspired through that course and I frequently use. I have my own conclusion regarding this film, as a metaphor, as it relates to my life, and that is - Life is Powerful.

If Art is my life (and not the whole sum of it) then Art is Powerful.

Get Busy Living, or Get Busy Dying.


Anonymous said...
